How To Cook A Hamburger Step By Step

Some burgers are just better. It's all in technique - how you make it and how you grill it.

The best burgers are made from freshly ground, high quality cattle feed in an 80/20 mixture (meat to fat). The beef smoked flat and season with salt and pepper. If you have a secret ingredient like Worcestershire sauce or chopped bacon, add it now. Toss together gently. You don't want to over-mix.

Making the Patties 

Grab 5 to 6 grams of meat and throw slight hand to hand, form a ball.

Grab it on a disc The patty must be at least as wide as your roll and about 3/4 to 1 inch thick.

Perfect hamburgers tip Take a divot in the middle of the hamburger with the thumb to help it keep its shape during cooking. These patties can be prepared and refrigerated.

Get Grilling
Preheat the grill to medium or medium-high compared to direct heat. Oil the rack with an oil with a neutral flavor such as canola or vegetable. When the oil begins to smoke, it is hot enough to add the hamburgers. Make sure your burgers are at room temperature and season them again with salt and pepper. Put the burgers on the grill and let them be. The less touching, the better the hamburger. For a more juicy hamburger, resists the urge to support. Cover the grill.

Time to flip
It's time to switch when the hamburger comes out of the grid without falling asleep

For medium burgers, cook about 5 minutes per side. For well done, spend a little longer.

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